Thursday, December 30, 2010

Bola Sepak

29 Disember 2010 Malaysia menang Suzuki Cup mengalahkan Indonesia di stadium Gelora Bung Karno dengan aggregat 4-2 selepas menang di Stadium Bukit Jalil 3-0. Bagus? Entah aku tak ikut sangat bola. Happy? Why should I be?

2010 harga petrol naik
Ron 97 RM2.30 Ron 95 RM1.90
Para pekerja garu kepala
Bajet bulanan kena adjust balik
Tolak yang mana boleh, kurangkan yang mana boleh
Tapi takpe, kita ada AFF Suzuki Cup 2010

Berasak-asak naik LRT pagi-pagi
Cari makan cari rezeki
Gaji ciput bonus takde
Kereta nak kena bayar
Kad kredit bayar minimum sebab tak berduit
Tapi takpe, kita juara AFF Suzuki Cup 2010

Harga rumah naik lagi
Duit tak cukup nak bayar deposit
Yuran guaman nak duit jugak
Kalau kertas biasa takde masalah
Terus menyewa rumah sempit sewa makin naik
Tapi takpe, kita kalahkan Indonesia 4-2 menang AFF Suzuki Cup 2010

Ada benda baru Teach For Malaysia
Ditambah dari KBSR nak jadi KSSR
Menaakul pun turut mahu diajar
Budak semua 'A' PMR bertambah
Sekolah katanya percuma tapi yuran itu ini masih ada
Buka sekolah tahun baru, buku, baju beg pun baru
Standard pendidikan tak tahu mana hala tuju
Tapi takpe, kita ada AFF Suzuki Cup 2010

Pilihanraya 2008 pembangkang menang 5 negeri
Dari Kedah, Kelantan, Selangor, Perak tak lupa Pulau Pinang
Hari-hari ada berita politik
14 Pilihanraya kecil hingga hari ini
Satu sibuk nak pertahan Putrajaya satu tak sabar-sabar nak ambil Putrajaya
Habis semua benda jadi isu
Tapi semua setuju, kita menang AFF Suzuki Cup 2010

31 Disember diisytiharkan cuti umum
Sebab nak meraikan kejayaan skuad Harimau menjulang AFF Suzuki Cup 2010
Bagus lah sebab dapat satu piala
Daripada langsung tak ada apa-apa
Ramai yang muda dan tua pakat beli jersi Malaysia
Tak kira asli atau tiruan
Lepas ni kalau kalah tiba-tiba
Jangan pula menyumpah serenah mengutuk mengeji
Dan terus kata, kita menang AFF Suzuki Cup 2010

Ramai yang suka "kita" menang AFF Suzuki Cup 2010
Siapa "kita"?
Pemain? Jurulatih? Penyokong bermusim(musim menang)?
Penonton setia? Pengulas sukan?
Tapi yang penting kita menang AFF Suzuki Cup 2010

Riuh rendah berita kemenangan
Di Twitter sampai penuh Timelime
Di Facebook di Wall sorang-sorang sibuk menyampaikan
Dari detik kemenangan sampai keesokan hari
Dari jaringan gol sampai pengumuman 31 Disember cuti
Apa baguskah kita menang AFF Suzuki Cup 2010?
Harga petrol makin kurangkah?
Harga gula makin murahkah?
Standard pendidikan negara ini jadi setara negara maju kah?
Pendidikan diberi percuma pada semua kah?
Sistem pilihanraya jadi telus kah?
Gaji naikkah?
Dapat bonus tahunan kah?
Kadar jenayah makin sikit kah?
Kontrak kerajaan menjadi telus kah?
Tol dimansuhkan kah?
Kadar letrik diturunkah?
Indeks rasuah negara bertambah baik kah?
Harga barang asasi makin jatuh kah?
Tiada orang tanpa rumah lagi kah?

Apa ada dengan menang AFF Suzuki Cup 2010?
Cuma merayakan dengan satu hari cuti
Tahun depan sambung kerja
Gaji kalau nasib baik naik
Kerja kalau nasib baik ada
Hutang kalau nasib baik boleh bayar
Tapi takpe, kita menang AFF Suzuki Cup 2010

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Work! I've already got the job since the interview result confirms it a few weeks back. Will be heading to Putrajaya/Cyberjaya most probably. No problem for me since all I want is a job. I don't feel the pressure of being new on the job, maybe because it's a job with the government. Man, I really am prejudiced againts government jobs hahaha.

Been feeling shitty lately. Malas. Malas berfikir. Malas membaca. Malas buat apa-apa. Mandi pun malas sebab sejuk kerana asyik hujan. Urgh!

Over and out.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

25 December 2010

When out to town with my brother in to buy food for lunch. Drove to town and went straight to our destination. Went around the place to find a parking spot since there was no empty spot near the restaurant. Circled behind the building the other way round because the usual way was blocked for construction works. Constructing what, I don't know. Turning into the back alley of the building that became the new way going around the building, I saw something I have never thought would be there. There was a police road block on a public holiday, weekend, in the middle of the town at the back alley of shop rows that was used because of some construction works. Droved by the policeman(it was a man) and I wasn't waved and allowed to go or else I wont be making this entry. Without any identifying documents on me I was given a ticket.

Dang! Kena saman pada hari cuti di tengah bandar di lorong sempit satu belakang bangunan yang digunakan kerana jalan satu lagi ditutup sewaktu hendak keluar beli makanan. Urgh, the payment can wait. Don't have any money to pay summon right now. For me and my brother it was something hilarous. Yes, but the reasons that made the summoned incident hilarous will not be disclosed. Got scolded by mum after she found out about it. Why didn't I just keep the ticket to myself? Why did I leave the parking ticket around? Must be because I thought it would be nothing much. Or maybe because I forgot that I really hate talking about stuffs with my parents I rather keep it to myself. Maybe I forgot the fact that if my mum or my dad or both of them knew what I did, I can much less guess their response and my hating of their response. Dang! So getting a ticket wasn't the real bad thing; it was the fact that my mum knew about the details of the summon that was hilarous to my brother and I.

Reminder to self:
  1. Don't ever get my parents involved whenever I got in trouble with the law. Especially when I was driving their car and living in their house and have been leeching from them for almost 2 months.
  2. Get ou of the house as soon as possible. Go anywhere and pay for my own food and rent.
  3. Get my own transport, with my name and pay for it myself. If I need to use my parents car, make sure not to get into any problem with the law enforcement officer. Or at least don't let them know.
  4. I hate getting scolded. I hate it getting patronized. I hate it when people talk to me authoritatively and expect me to obey. 2 possible solutions: don't do anything wrong or don't get caught doing anything wrong.
  5. I don't understand women. But from my personal observation, if you ever did anything they deem wrong and they knew it and wants to talk about it be careful. They will start the conversation with a simple general question which is the bait. Depending on how did you answer it, what was your answer, your tone and all that, then only they will pounce with all their rage and crazy talk. The only way I know how to handle this situation is to keep my cool on and answer the question factually with a flat voice tone. That way I'm not showing any emotion, avoid any confrontation with someone who's waiting to chew your head off (figuratively speaking of course). Additional note: if possible ignore the question internally, i.e. don't even think about it in your head. It will only makes it worse. You'll want to respond and the moment you respond, you'll get your head chewed off.
  6. Women generally are crazy. 

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Disclaimer: these are all jokes. I repeat, these are all jokes. For the third time (or for people who get butthurt easily) they're are just jokes. They might be lame. They might be boring or repetitive. These are the jokes that I managed to thought of these past 2 days.

Q: What do you call a cat with eight legs?
A: Octopuss.

Q: What do you call a stingy monk?
A: Cheapmonk.

Q: What do you call a club where members read newspaper comics?
A: Strip-club.

Q: What's the difference between a politician and a rapist?
A: A rapist screws one victim at a time, a politician screws the whole nation at the same time.

Q: What are the differences between a politician and a burglar?
A: A burglar tries to steal secretly, doesn't get elected(or re-elected) and can be convicted.

Q: What are the differences between salesman(or sales person to be politically correct) and a politician?
A: You can always decline to buy what the salesman sells but the politician will force you to.

Q:What is the similarity between a fertilizer salesman and a politician?
A: They both sell bullshit.

Q: What is the difference between a cow and a politician?
A: One secrete bullshit from it's asshole, the other spews them from it's mouth.

Q: Why is a company more democratic than certain countries?
A:  Shareholders meets at least once a year, get to choose or remove head of the company and doesn't pay for the CEO's family members' overseas trip. While citizens of certain democratic countries votes every four years, some head of the country refuse to step down and pay the CEO's family overseas trip.

Q: How do you tell the difference between a CEO and a head of state going for a business trip?
A: CEO brings his key personnel together and expenses are audited while a head of state goes with an entourage and his family members plus the citizens pay for all of them.

Q: What are differences between loan sharks and banks?
A: Not much, both lends money, charges exorbitant rates, encourage you to take long term loan. Oh, banks do it legally and pays taxes.

Q: What are the necessary qualities to become a politician?
A: Errrr... I can't think of any.

Q: What is the similarity between a baby just learned to talk and a politician?
A: Both of them have no clue what they're talking.

Q: What's the quality shared among politicians who gets into politics riding their father's coattail?
A: Daddy-kasi.

Q: What's the difference between Aryan supremacy ideology and Malay supremacy?
A: I dunno...Oh, Aryans don't kill their own kinds.

Q: What is the definition of guided democracy?
A: The system of choosing a leader, from the list of candidates determine by the leader and for the benefits of the leaders.

Q: What did the carrot said to the turnip?
A: You look pale.

Q: How do you tell if a guy is not really straight?
A: He has a girl BFF. (Yes, this one is sexist)

An army of watches went to war. What did they say whenever a watch was shot down?
A: Watch out!

Q: Why is a ponzi scheme scammer more "kind" than a pharaoh?
A: They don't  force the whole country to build their pyramid, only the ones dumb enough get tricked.

Q: What do megalomaniacs throughout history have in common?
A: They rule with fear/intimidation, spend their respective country's wealth as if their own and obsessed with building monuments (e.g. pyramids).

Q: What are the differences between a paid assassin and a police?
A: The assassin is paid good money to take care of certain people illegally while a cop is paid meager salary but can shoot and kill legally.

There were few more but I don't remember them.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Interview is the word in English. Duh! It's one of the stages to get hired for a job, even though interview is involved in getting a scholarships, getting news (interviewing the subject), or doing to extract details of a juicy gossip. For the sake of this post the word interview is used in the context of it's Malay translation used as the title of this post. Normally an interview is conducted after sending resume and negotiating the date/time appropriate for the interview itself. During the course of interview that could span from 30 minutes to 2 hours and might be conducted multiple times, the interviewee is usually assessed according to the criteria seek by the organization hiring and also how much he/she impressed the the interviewer.

How do you end up in an interview in the first place? I will give an example of how the process goes but be informed that there are other ways that could give you the same result. Being a person who does things normally and relies on tried and proven methods, I will state the other ways that could lead to an interview. Some of the other methods are: knowing someone inside the desired organization and get his/her help to arrange for an interview, going straight to the prospective employee (usually the proprietor of small/medium business), walk-in into an interview session, getting head hunted for a post (usually if you are good). Let's get back to the main issue here; the normal way to land an interview. First, find an advertisement of a job opening. It can easily be found on the Internet job-posting site such as JobStreet, JobsDB, Monster etc. Other than Internet, these ads can also be found in the traditional printed media, i.e. newspaper, magazine or even on posters pasted on the wall of building at the sidewalk. Find a job that you qualify and have the ability to carry out the responsibility as stated or you think you want that job or whichever that suits your qualification. In my case, for my previous job, since I was ignorant of my tolerance to long working hours plus the aspiration to have a great career (read: make lots of money) I chose to respond to an ad of a consulting company (they used to be part of Arthur Anderson). Sometimes information about the company and job requirement can be so vague and hard to understand thanks to corporate speak they used in the ad. But most the time usually for technical positions the ads are pretty much straight forward. So much they can pack into a single ad but always take it with a pinch of salt and a handful of common sense.

Having chosen the ads to reply and for whatever reason one picked those ads whether it's their dream job or they have no other choice since they choice is limited due to their qualification and skill or because the prospect of making good bucks or because they are financially pressed for various reasons and need to get a job as soon as possible or because their parents said so or maybe like me; I chose to answer (to be precise register myself on the SPA portal) the ad because I want a job that that make enough money to pay for my food and rent and possibly get my own car without having to work too hard more than 40 hours a week. Yes, I am lazy as fuck. Even fucking properly is hard work. The thing is I have no idea what I learned in university; I have forgotten in my estimate more that 50% of what I used to know and the prospect of going to a steep learning curve is just not something that I want to do. The second part of landing an interview is to send a resume. To send one, you need to compose one first. To write a good resume, you can refer to other sites that caters that, Google it. Composing a resume is not what this post is about. I myself don't have a clue of how to write a good let alone a decent resume. On one occasion I was told that my resume was very simple and they can't really pinpoint whether I am more of a technical guy or not. Another person who taught me how to write resume to cut off the unnecessary details (such as secondary and primary school result) but I read somewhere that showing yourself as being a well rounded person having a balance of academic and extra curricular achievements is what an employer sought. From all that I concluded that I need to cater my resume per advert meaning when I answer to different prospective employer, each of them will receive a different version of my resume. I do this since some employer needs to know how well have I been doing since secondary school, some wants to know what are the projects that I've undertook, some wants specific skill set and would prefer to have candidates with focused skill set that match their expectations and some wants good academic results combined with good out of class activities.

This is where the dilemma (perghhh macam dramatik sangat la konon) starts for me. I am what I consider slightly above average student (compared to my uni classmates) if only the paper result is taken into consideration. If other aspects are taken into consideration: the ability to learn on on my own, the ability to learn new things related to learned subjects, the ability to manage time, math skill (I suck big time on this one), social skills (I feel out of place when going to a place where I know nobody), the ability to learn quickly; I am one of the bottom people. If athletic ability is taken into consideration (my coordination seems to stuck at the level of a 10 year old) then for sure I'm at bottom 2%. I am only good at taking exams. Reading is also not my strong suit, I am still trying to develop the ability to read at least 100 pages per hour reading medium-heavy subjects. What I am trying to say is, I am not at all alike what I wrote on my resume. I may had some extra curricular activities but I did them all out of the necessity of having something to write on my resume under the header "Extra Curricular Activities". Plus I didn't really excel at them: never won any debating championship at any level or successfully managing a competition. I wrote that I participate in these activities and I always manage to hide the fact that I sucked at both.

Currently I am writing (to be accurate typing) in a bad mood. I am feeling melancholy; thinking all the things I've done and never one have I excelled at except for taking exams. So next on the process is wait. Yes, after sending your padded resume like a skinny girl looking like she has a D-cup rack to potential employer(s) you just have to wait or so what I did. Never did I bother to follow-up to know the status of my application and I don't know whether if it's a good practise. What I did was wait and to quote Shinnosuke Nohara

"guling-guling macam tenggiling"

was what I did most of the waiting time.

Shit, this post is currently not yet done and still there are more that I want to add. Screw that, imma post this like it is.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

It's One Of Those Days

It's one of those days, I think. Or, is it just one of a kind day, not one from one of those days, perhaps. I am not sure about the former. Same goes to the latter. It might be a day from another kind of a day. The idiom "one of those days", taken from means:

A bad day / not your day.
Example: I missed breakfast, got to work late, and got caught in the rain at lunchtime - it was just one of those days!

Ever wake up and gone through the whole day with "Fuck!" and "Shit!" the only words on your mind continuously while having the same emotion that usually brought forth those words into our mouth? I have. It happened a few days ago. After waking up and I was very sure I woke up on the right side, or rather not the wrong side of the bed since physically there's no part of my bed is wrong functionally or esthetically or not able to perform it's function as a place where I lie down to sleep or read or just stare at the ceiling. Everything was normal, I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary that particular morning nor anything queer happened the night before that. Walking sleepily towards the bathroom/toilet since it serves both functions which is not to my preference because personally I think those two rooms should be separated. For the sake of this writing, bathroom means a room / part of the house where the activity of cleaning oneself whether through taking a bat in a bath tub or showering using a shower. That way, during peak usage time (usually in the morning) since I'm sharing the bathroom/toilet with other members of my family (I'm currently staying and at the same time leeching with my parents) two person with different needs that can be served by two different room can be accommodated. In that way, the two rooms usage will be efficient. No more going to the bathroom/toilet to detox and just to find someone's in there taking a nice long shower. Oh, there's also no more unpleasant odour lingering in the air when one goes in to take a shower because the last user just had a good time detoxifying. Oh, do you know that the water from flushing splash up to 6 feet from the bowl. That means water in a toilet bowl mixed with human excrement whether solid, liquid or a mix of both will be splashing at a radius of 6 feet from the bowl. If bathroom/toilet is in the same place, imagine your toothbrush getting a microscopic bits and pieces of human scat / urine; urgh, it's disgusting isn't it?  So if bathroom/toilet is separated, there's no possibility of having your toothbrush or other shower/bathing apparatus having itsy bitsy shit on it. Oh, enough going off tangent, back to the real deal.

That day, I felt like a tv with no reception, only the white and black buzz on the screen with noise. Plus I also felt lost. Without having any clear focus inside my head. My thoughts were fuzzy and I can't seem to think and focus clearly. Usually I would do a few Sudoku puzzles per day but on that particular morning I can't even stand to look at those puzzles. On the same morning I also didn't felt like reading blogs like I have always do. I wonder if I had taken my feeling too seriously. I mean I was having the idea that I might be following my feelings alone too much without thinking about it. So I decided to go on with the day normally. And it proved unfruitful. I overate and was stuffing a considerably huge amount of food into my stomach. Not really that much, it was more similar to continuously munching even after having a regular breakfast albeit I felt no more hunger after my morning meal. Sitting on the sofa watching felt weird, it was not something that I felt like doing but I also have no idea in my head what I wanted to do. Was it because I had too much time since I'm staying at my parents'  place doing absolutely nothing. Was it a signal sent by my subconscious mind about something else I needed to do or was it caused by boredom that I never realized about?

So the morning went on. I remembered once when I still had a job. One one particular day, I woke up from sleep and was going to do my regular routine getting to work. The different thing about that morning is I felt tired. My body felt weak. I had difficulty getting out from bed. My mind said get up and get moving and I can't really budge. I managed to get myself to work but it was as good as pointless. It was hard to focus on my tasks, luckily there were nothing urgent that particular day. After lunch I decided to go see a doctor. Fortunately there was a clinic in that building (it was a tower) just a few levels above. So I went to the doctor and registered as patient at the counter. Since my employer does not provide medical card, I had to fork out my own money. It was okay for me since they allow medical expenses to be claimed latter as long as it's under permitted limit. I was told to wait since the doctor will only be in his office in a few minutes. Seeing there were not many patience around, I decided to wait for the doctor at the waiting area. To ward off boredom, I looked around for any reading material that I would like. The only thing there were old women's magazine and a few pamphlets about diseases. Since something is better than nothing, I browsed through a few of them and nothing particular caught my attention or suited to my liking. After a while, my name was called and I entered the doctor's office. The doctor asked me a few questions and performed the standard say aaah test, took my blood pressure and asked me to inhale and exhale a few times while using his stethoscope he listen to whatever that was going on inside me by having the bell on my body and measured my temperature. Following that he asked me a few questions. Then, after all the examination he only said that it was normal to sometimes feel like that. One of the important lesson I learned from that is when you have a job, it does not matter how you feel, if you are not sick there is no excuse of not doing your job done even when you felt like shit. I was actually hoping to get MC for that day so I can go back and rest a bit. I went out and waited for my medicine (or more precisely prescribed drugs). I took them and after paying I went to the lift and get back to work.

Now back to the main issue. If I was still working and woke up feeling weird, I can understand. I wonder if it was only a cranky morning but I can't remember being that cranky in the morning. Plus my sleep the night before was uninterrupted. Some time in the same morning, everything changed that morning. It struck me that I haven't had my daily detoxifying yesterday and it has been 2 days since I took a dump. Good for me on that morning my stomach grumbled and lead to a bowel movement. I went to the toilet to clear my guts of my excrements. After all that is done and it was a good dumping, I felt slightly better. Maybe it was a cranky morning. Maybe I needed caffeine that morning. Maybe because my stomach was not really comfortable and I was not paying enough attention or maybe it was just something that happens. Whatever that was, I would really like to know the reason I felt that way on that particular morning because this morning I woke up and felt like I can't be bothered with anything whether doing Sudoku or reading blogs or playing games. I really hate it when I can't figure things out about myself. Hmmm it's been a while since I played computer games. Currently I am playing Nintendo DS on my machine. The reasons are I am not very interested in video games (even though I studied about making one) and secondly the game was from a franchise I enjoyed playing when it was on GBA. Well, maybe I need to play some game.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

New Jobs? Is It A Cause For Celebration

It's an old news. Articles were published earlier back in March this year. Construction works has been started and the new plant will start operations before the end of next. It's not a big deal, or is it actually. When Coca Cola announced it will open a new bottling plant in Nilai, all over the news it seems like a good thing. A multinational company, one of the most valuable brand in the world (currently 6th) investing $301 million should be good, right? Increase of foreign direct investment and job creation; that was reported. Even the Prime Minister himself was there at the ground breaking ceremony of the company. It was said that the plant would be state-of-the-art, one of the most eco-friendly in this part of the world. Plus 600 - 800 jobs will be created by the plant and more than 8000 at supplier and distributor level. Let us take a closer look about this and the problems having a Coke plant here.

Firstly, the job creation. It is one of the mostly heard of benefits whenever a company set up in this country. Theoretically, it's true and it's good. Foreign companies coming to Malaysia surely will need workers and these people, getting new jobs will have disposable income to spend and hence the economic benefits. But in case of a new Coca Cola plant, what kind of jobs will it create? Of course there will be managerial position, engineering jobs but majority of the jobs will be production related jobs. It is a bottling plant and logically the highest demand for workers will be for production related jobs, aka operator pengeluaran. Why, Mr Prime Minister do we want these kind of jobs to be here in the first place since you claimed we are moving towards high income nation? Malaysia is not known for cheap exploitable labour compared to other countries like China and Vietnam where sweatshop workers (or labours) work 60 hours a week earning $2 dollars a day and only allowed only 2 toilet breaks per day. Furthermore it would make more financial sense for Coke to bring in foreign labour from other countries not just because it's legal but foreign labours are also cheaper than local workers. For all that they said, the plant would not be providing much "real" jobs meaning a job where one can earn money to live decently. How in today's economic condition one work at a production line as an operator make a decent living, especially those with family. Of course attracting FDI into the country is arguably good, but the Coke plant will not provide much skilled jobs that comes with decent pay. Most importantly,we should know that as an employer, Coke has a lot of standing issues on workers right ranging from racism to being anti-union to being associated with murders of workers who's affiliated with union.

To make their famous fizzy drink, the main ingredient is without a doubt water. Three times more water is used to make carbonated drinks compared to the amount produced. In simpler words, for every 1.5liter bottle coke produced, 4.5 liter was used and 3 liters ended up as waste water. We still have ample amount of water supply (for now) and not experiencing water scarcity (yet) but here is where things get interesting. In 2004 Kerala authorities closed down Coke bottling plant. The reason was since the plant is a water intensive, they depleted water to a level where local community have not enough water for daily use let alone for farming. Yes, we have a huge supply of water but Coke also polluted the water source by giving away their sludge to farmers as fertilizer. Smart move, give the local people your waste labelled as fertilizer so you don't have to deal with it. Although the plant to be commissioned in Nilai is claimed to be eco-friendly an state-of-the-art (whatever the fuck that is) there is not guarantee that they would not do the same here. Maybe here they would give away the sludge to pig farmers and claim that it can be use as feed for their hogs. The situation in India was so bad that Coke has to send tankers to provide water for the village people. Why would we allow companies conducting business this way to operate here?

Now, as a company Coke has thrived in the open market capitalistic economic system. The question that needs to be asked is why are we giving them special treatment, Mr Prime Minister. To quote, you mentioned:

"We promised them all the support that we could give, and the incentives as well, during discussions in Singapore. I am proud that we have been able to make this a reality within four months"

Why give them such preferential treatment? Why do we need to be proud being associated with a brand that causes Mexico to be among the fattest in the world? Why are we associating ourselves proudly with a house-hold brand that uses strong arm tactics to force it's competitor out of market(Big Cola in Mexico as example). In Mexico,Coke while having 70% market share and when Big Cola only has 5% share of the market, went as far as threatening sellers to take back their cooler if they sell the competitor's product. Should we be proud such company want to do business here? The point I am trying to say is why are we being so proud to have big a fizzy drink company to set up a plant here. Should I be proud if Nike opens a sweatshop in Malaysia? Is Coke bringing better living standard here? Are they helping with our illiteracy problem? Are they a part of our solution in getting out of the economic quagmire? Do they help bring petrol price down? Does the number of poor people drops dramatically when Coke comes here? Is our education system getting a boost in quality when there's a Coke factory? The obvious answer to all the question is a big NO. They want to come here and set up a plant and there is no way on earth should we be proud. They can as easily exit and open a new plant in another country if they find the condition better.

The next thing is health issue. I wouldn't want to comment much about this since it's universally known that drinking carbonated drinks high with sugar and acidic content is not good for health. We are better off without having them here and selling more sugar water.

Monday, December 13, 2010

In And Out And Back In Again. Part 1 - In Again 1

He climbed up the stairs with a jogging motion to the next floor. Before that he was outside. He came running frantically from outside the house, breathing and sweating heavily. His face was red, his body was feeling hot and his leg hurts. Lucky from him the front door and grill was not locked. He didn't have to search his pockets for the keys. Not knocking, not saying hello or anything he grabbed the handle and pushed the lever downward with his thumb. Swinging the door inwards, he hurriedly took off his blue rubber sandals and without arranging them properly (something he does very rare) he stepped into the house. The sandals were scattered outside like it always were. He bought them a few months ago at a discount shopping center. The reason were they were comfortable and resembles the shape of certain brand of expensive sandals that has an alligator like logo and brand name. He uses them often and as a result the sandals are almost worn out but still he uses them since they were comfortable. Another reason being his dislike of shopping. The sandals were covered with dust. It was like a layer of brown tint wrapping the sandals as a result of never been washed. Never being washed in the sense that the owner never deliberately washed them but they still get washed when he washes his legs and the sandals were still worn.

He closed the door, pushing them behind him with his left hand using a considerably large amount of force than necessary to close the door. The door made the usual creaking sound it was making whenever it moved and other than the clicking sound made by the lock when the door is closed, it made a loud slamming noise. Even the sliding door across the room vibrated. All of this was not taken into consideration by him. He was the only person currently inside the house and felt no amount of noise he made matter for he has the habit of considering the noise he made in the house whenever he was not alone. The sofa in the living room was there like it always has been. So does the tv set, the side table, the shoe rack, the dining table and chairs further inside the house, the curtains, the coffee table and he decided to assume that everything was the same without looking at the other furnitures and appliances in the house. Nothing seems changed.

He thought of going to the kitchen to get a glass of water. His throat felt a little bit dry and having something to drink would be good. Halfway through the house on his way to the kitchen he suddenly stopped in front of the stairs. Turning left and as he held his head up he can see the light bulb turned off. The wall was painted white without any decoration. There were marks on the wall showing that the last time it was given a coat of paint was some time ago, but could still wait for a few years for another paint job. Cobwebs were visible and he ignored them, not because he doesn't care about it but the reason was the cobweb was very small and it was high up near the ceiling. The cleaning could wait for some time he though. Then he decided he would go upstairs rather than to the kitchen. He was not that very thirsty after all. And he climbed the flight of stairs.

As he was going up the stairs his right hand was on the railing. It was not for support since he is still able bodied but of old habit that he doesn't know why he always does that or how it came into a habit or when the habit started. The railing handle was wood, like the stairs except the stairs were parquets which is still technically made of wood. The handle was supported with steel frame. He used have fun climbing the rails to go upstairs or sliding down on it just for fun when he was younger. He knows he can still do those things and he was confident about it. Those were but few activities he did when he was younger for fun since the amount of toys he had was limited. Not thinking about his childhood days, he went on and arrived upstairs. This is where all the bedrooms are.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Another Year Gone By

2010 is almost up. Since there's only about two and a half week left I think it's a good time for me to look back and see how things turned up.

This year is the second year after my graduation and still I haven't been able to hold to a job. My last job which is my second "real" job was at a consulting firm only lasted for 6 months. The pay was good, indeed better than the average starting salary a fresh local grad could get. Commuting to work was not a problem since I was taking the LRT, although later on I rode my motorcycle to work so I can afford more sleep, 30 minutes to be precise since taking the LRT takes approximately 1 hour while riding motorcycle only takes half the time. What I can't take was the hours. First it was not really good then it when bad and it moved on to worse. To put it simply at the time I left going home at 7 pm was considered early and 8 or 9 pm was normal. It was also not unusual to know some people who needed to stay back until later and thank God I never experienced that. On top of that I often had to work on one day during weekend, most of the time. Some people might be able to take it but after 6 months I knew the corporate world wasn't my cup of tea.And having a career is no longer an aspiration of mine. I don't know about other people but I found that the price to pay for a career in corporate is not one that I am willing to pay. Plus, I wasn't enjoying what I was doing even after I tried to suck it up and just bear with it. It went to a level when I really had a hard time getting ready for work not because of tiredness but because I dread going to work; I dreaded the whole day spent in the office doing what I was doing.

I really need to be able to support myself. Darn it I'm in my mid-twenties and after quitting my job I'm at my parents' house bumming for months. Thank God my parents are okay about it (currently). As for now I have been doing nothing but playing games and surfing the Internet using the family computer. I am currently in a situation called "Fucked Up". No money, no goals, nothing whatsoever. Mujur interbiu F41 aritu pass, tengah tunggu surat offer je. I have no problem (I hope) with working for the government. Hey, I need to stop leeching on my parents and keep borrowing mum's car. I've done interviews in the past and looking retrospectively I am not sure, not determined, but I know one thing: I've been overselling myself during those interviews. Not overselling in the sense that I lie or misrepresent myself but overselling in the sense that I BS-ed during the interview. BS - bull shit; most of the time, I will tell what I think the interviewer would want to hear. I've done doing that and I'm done reading interview article. Luckily I didn't have to BS during my interview for the position with government.

More and more friends are getting married this year. Just an observation, not that I care. One of my friend even used the term "Musim Mengawan" a few years back when there were a lot of friends getting married that particular year. To those married couples may you find your new religiously lawful physical activity enjoyable and fruitful. To getting married couples: "patience is a virtue" though "waiting is torture".

Saturday, December 11, 2010

My First Post

Hello World.