Friday, June 10, 2011


Date: 10 June 2011
Time: 2.57pm(according to my workstation clock)
Location: cubicle
Listening to: Shape Of Things To Come - Audioslave

Damn! My emotionally triggered easting disorder has gotten out of control.
Instead of waiting until I'm at home to unleash the unhealthy activity of
stuffing my face with wholesome fast food and snacks and sugary beverages
and cold sweet treat and all sort of other junks that I include in my food
binge repertoire, I was still hungry after lunch! After a freaking HEAVY
lunch! Shit! Lucky that my boss is on leave, no meeting to attend or other
shitty stuff that requires meeting other people. I can't face other people
when I'm like this. I may look happy and all on the outside by emotionally
I'm depressed and can't stand having anybody looking at me when I'm like
this. All I need is some time alone, probably binging, hopefully no smoking
since I just stopped that addiction almost two weeks ago. Then, after hours
of sleep and self loathing, only can I meet other people.

Fuck! My stomach hurt! Luckily I only had rojak to fulfill the calorie
craving. I was going to order some waffles but then the rojak seems like a
better choice than a gooey, soft, warm, sweet, nutty, chocolaty taste of
chocolate peanut butter waffle. With the filing oozing, hot out of the
waflle machine and then licking the tasty filing off my stained finger, oooops,
dangerous. Let's wait until after work for another round of binging.

Urghhh! Lucky that today is Friday and for all the circumstances that's in
front of me today, my craving did not cause much trouble. Now, there's about
2 and a half hours to kill before the binge fest begin! The good thing about
my eating disorder is it taste fucking good! Emphasis on the good!

I maybe fatter, sadder and more depressed, but 20/11/2011 seems a good day
to die! Ooops. Hehe!