Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I'll Dedicate My Work To You My Crush

Shit my whole post gone! Fuck that! I'm not gonna write it again! Fuck!

Oh, the gist of the post are:
  • I want to make my heart stronger instead of locking in a stronger safe.
  • 500 Days Of Summer is my kind of romantic movie. So is Mary And Max.
  • I'm dedicating the two systems that I'm developing to you.
  • Whatever that will or won't happen between us, I only hope the best for you.

Since I'm too lazy to pen my article again, I'm gonna post it here.
I'm waiting for a woman to says things like the ones in this song to me. Soon.


For the past few days before today(yes, yet another back dated post, because I'm a very dedicated and successful procrastinator) my feelings was very unstable. No, this time it's not about love or any feelings associated with it. It's those feelings associated with depression. I felt moody the first thing after waking up and I felt like chewing off the head of the first person who ticks me off. Not only that, I hated to go to work(more than I usually  do), procrastinated at work, always looking if there's something I can do to distract me from focusing on my real work. Surfed the internet, took long smoke break(this was possible since I smoke "Sunshine") and heading back as soon as my official office hours was over.

The worst happened last weekend. I felt depressive, thinking about the reality of my life: being a fat, idiot, short, no-skills loser. I'm not smart, not tall enough, ugly, dumb, numerically challenged and my sports IQ is same as a retarded person's real IQ, far below than average. All those thinking really made me depressed. Thank goodness I don't really have that much work these past two week. I purposely overeat, stayed cooped inside my room spending time doing nothing. Fuck, last weekend was the time I felt the worst(emotionally) point of my life. I couldn't really imagine feeling worse than I did last week, but hey, even if I can't imagine it, it's still statistically possible sometimes in the future, given that I'm still living and breathing I'll feel worse than I did last weekend.

Long story short, I remembered that to get these depressive feeling off my mind was to take a shower. Most of the time, I really felt better after a shower if I was feeling low like a piece of shit that was stepped upon. So, on Monday (or was it Sunday, or Tuesday, ah heck, the point is it happened in the past) I went into the shower, lying down then sitting on the floor. After a short cold shower, getting out all cold and shivering, I managed to feel better and fresh. Huh, who knows that taking a shower was THAT good for my emotion. I need to look into it. The shower was like a good hard slap on my face that set my head straight. I managed to go out and did a few normal daily chores like taking out the trash and bought some groceries. Hmm, maybe what I need to stay insane is to take my showers regularly. Maybe a psychologist will be prescribing this treatment to future / potential patient. Hahaha!

Thinking about it, maybe I need to bring along an atomizer or a spray bottle so that I can spray my face whenever my feelings become melancholy and suicidal. Adios~

Sunday, May 15, 2011


One of the good thing that I'm really grateful of still having is my conscience. Although a lot of times it rendered my unable to fully engage in the thing that I was doing at that particular time and slowed me down and made me feel awkward, it manages to tell me what was I doing at reminded me the consequences. It usually comes in the form of myself thinking ethically or legally whether according to religion or the laws or both. When it struck it really struck hard. It makes me uncomfortable and seemed bored.

The main reason I'm writing this is the fact that my conscience made me walk away from a party yesterday night. I walked out early, on the excuse that my housemate left his key, hence unable to enter the house and required me to go back home. It was a big relief for me. For sometimes during the party I was thinking everything was okay until someone came and that was the cue for me to leave. That guy wasn't the reason I felt I had to leave. The reason being who that guy was and who picked up the tab that night for the party. Long story short I was convinced I must go; with my "cool"-nothing-going-on face I told my friend who held the party and took my leave. It was still before midnight and I could still take the LRT but since I wanted to get home as soon as possible so my choice was obvious: taxi.

Thanks dude: you, the one who was fishing hundreds miles away on a boat at the sea when I called to ask about my "hypothetical" question. Man, what an experience. Seems that I'm still naive when it comes to such things and the realities of life still manage to shock me. What money and entertainment drive people to do, how a married man with 2 small kids was able leave them with his wife at home and went out to have fun with his buddies; I'm still shocked to see this happening in front of my eyes.

Now, off to another topic to pad this entry. Since this blog turns into a place where I pour my heart out instead of systematically writing my opinions about current issues(my fault for not reading enough) I think adding this to the entry is quite acceptable, if you please. Personally I think it's unfair for a married man or woman for that matter to leave his or her spouse alone taking care of the kids. Being sexist and irresponsible is one thing, but going out to have fun while the other half of you spending his or her time and effort to cope with the chore is unthinkable. Unless there's some arrangement, sort of taking turn to deal with the kids, it's very disappointing to see it happening. I know since I'm still single I wouldn't possibly know how a married life is, but being married, being committed to a family is shouldering the responsibility of dividing the chores and burden and with that carry on your fair share of the chore duly. Shirking responsibility as a married person effect not just the spouse, but also the family as a whole. Kids learn about family, about how the mum-dad tag team works from the example set by their parents. And most of the time, people based their parenting practise on how their parents did. It's true that people can change and learn but to unlearn those deeply ingrained memories of parenting takes a lot of effort. Worse, they can't even realise that what they do as a parent is wrong. What I'm trying to say is neglecting responsibilities as a parent, as a spouse effects the other spouse: doubling his or her responsibility to carry on his or her already heavily burdened shoulder; and it also sets a bad example for the kids.

Going to another topic, continuing from the last one, I think that the memories that I had as a child convinced me that I'm not a husband material nor I'm a father material. I will not divulge the details here but suffice to say I think it's very scary thinking I'm going the be protecting my wife and kids, be the pillar of the family, shelter them, feed them, educate them, love them, set good example to them, be patient with them, guide them in their lives, taking care of them when they are sick, thinking about what I'll feel when my daughter becomes someone else's girl, thinking what will be of my children when they know their father is a fat ass lazy dork who's socially inept, academically weak, physically inactive, numerically challenged, stubborn, broke(for the time being), selfish, knows no sports, having no money nor any special skills that'll make them proud of amaze them. Maybe I'm thinking too much. Maybe, given my current condition, biologically there'll be no female homo sapiens finds me attractive enough as a mate and I won't be able to produce offspring. That in some way is good because genetically I have physical disadvantages(having low metabolism, "kurang inci", "gains weight easily", dangerous history of hereditary disease), mental problem(let's be honest, I'm unable to control my actions when I'm angry or attracted for that matter. Oh, and I also have lower than average IQ;)), my inability to communicate what I really feel inside my hearts of hearts, my unwillingness to communicate what I really thinks, due to my trust issue and myriad of other things. The world would be slightly but not really  much a better place with more humans having my defect.

The last paragraph just made me melancholy. Maybe I'll be foreveralone.jpg like I wanted to a few years back. Maybe I'm just a sad fat fuck dork with lower than average math skills. Whatever it is I'm really relieved that currently I've not much to think about except getting a new shirt and pants and also a blazer since my work shirt has shown the signs of being well worn, the stitches of my pants is torn, nampak sangat gemuk lagi, my chair's two casters have broke, lagi satu bukti gemuk, my shoes are worn and beyond repair - babeng aaa tak repair aritu. Darn, I really hate clothes shopping. I shop like a girl. I compare my options, weight the design, the feeling, how it looks on me, what are my other options, how much it costs, how much I like it whenever I shop for clothes. Shit, I just need to grab anything that's within my price range and doesn't suck and make it to the cashier.


Monday, May 9, 2011


Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Shit babi babi babi babeng! Those are the only words that could describe my feelings when on eof my friends gave me an invitation to his wedding end of this month. A few times I looked at the card on the table where I just had dinner with another friend  and the guy asked me whether I can believe it or not. I looked at the card with a mixture of feelings: disbelief; a guy who liked to huha huha is going to get married; depressed; it almost ruined my whole night with my buddy. I'm not really good with hanging with just another person and the moodiness that came with my depressive feeling almost made me an asshole who just can't seemed to be bothered with what he was talking. Lucky for me that didn't happen and as he was driving me back home I was still able to have a decent conversation. I hope he didn't think that I was rude or bored or mistook it for something else. Angry; with myself realizing that even a guy with a huha huha attitude would be getting married and he is the same age as me.

Honestly this is the first time I had that kind of mixed feelings receiving a wedding invitation from anyone. Maybe the fact that we are at the same age, he's the huha huha type made me realize the reality that I'm trying to ignore for sometimes now. I still couldn't even have a meaningful relationship with another person from the opposite sex due to my inability to properly socialize and communicating my true feelings. Plus being a creep who thinks he's a nerd but lacking math and science skills and not being a nerd about anything loser really doesn't help. I always tell other people (most of the time) that I wanted to get married late, enjoy my bachelorhood for sometimes and have fun. Fuck that! That's just a part of me who happened to exists due to (I'm just speculating here) my shyness and unwillingness to admit that deep down inside the heart of my heart I really wanted a meaningful relationship of a member of the opposite sex. Add to that my failure to carry out my life plan of getting married two years after university and since my plan has gone awry part of it no thanks to trying a sales job(which offered no salary, only commission) because I think that it'll be just a while. Rationalizing with myself that I was good to build my social skills and selling technique(it did a little, just a tiny winy bit). Maybe because I always hold on to different believes on a lot of things/issues that I don't know what I want anymore.

Ah fuck that. Fuck. I'm so depressed I'm feeling like binging on fast food at this time of the day, sleep late and go to work tomorrow feeling like shit. My great weekend involving going to the department family day and going for a movie with my friends went to waste just by receiving a wedding invitation. Arghhh!!! Since my life plan has gone awry, I'm not as physically fit anymore, not working for a corporate that pays above average, nor my brain is as good as it was, fuck fuck fuck! Receiving that invitation card invokes that side of me that realizes the fact that my life is not in the right track (whether according to my planned track or what the social accept as normal for a guy my age). I'm not physically fit, nor smart, not a programming wizard, even having no real friends who I can confide to who is nearby, fuck! fuck! I feel like weeping. Maybe this is what FOREVERALONE.jpg feels like. Shit! Shit! Shit! Fuck!